:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Thursday, November 13, 2003 ::

remarkable facial hair, but not much of it was what you'd call thrillingly telegenic.
EducationGuardian.co.uk | Arts & Humanities | Stuart Jeffries: How to make philosophers telegenic: "Philosophers have beards, wear glasses and smoke a pipe. So just how would Stuart Jeffries make them - and their ideas - look interesting for his short film?"

"For it is a truth insufficiently acknowledged that television is a fundamentally visual medium, while philosophy lends itself to visual representation about as much as George W Bush lends himself to commendation by the Plain English Campaign."

god philosophers are an odd bunch...

"the history of western philosophy is a televisually untapped mine of great stories. Hegel put the finishing touches to the Phenomenology of Spirit as the Battle of Jena raged outisde the city walls. Wittgenstein wrote the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus while serving in the Austrian army in the first world war. There are stories that cry out to be told: Althusser's home life, Foucault's gay romps, Russell's hetero philandering, Deleuze's death plunge, Gramsci's imprisonment, Hannah Arendt's successful escape from the Gestapo, Walter Benjamin's doomed flight from Nazism across the Pyrenees, royalist Thomas Hobbes' flight to France to avoid the wrath of the Roundheads, Descartes meditating in an oven, the death of Socrates."

:: Jim Nichols 11/13/2003 10:24:00 AM [+] ::
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