:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Thursday, November 13, 2003 ::

Please look at the man behind the curtain... and not the policys... oh and look at how mean people are to him

Spinsanity - The Republican assault on "political hate speech": "Gillespie originally debuted the term during an appearance with Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe on NBC's 'Meet the Press' on Sept. 7:

The kind of rhetoric you hear from [Democratic presidential candidates] ... on either side of the aisle, Ronald Reagan never said Jimmy Carter couldn't find countries in his own hemisphere. Walter Mondale never said that President Reagan was a miserable failure. When Bill Clinton ran against President Bush, he didn't compare him to Saddam Hussein or the Taliban. And when Bob Dole ran against President Clinton, he didn't say that he was an absolute phony or a liar. The kind of words we're hearing now from the Democratic candidates go beyond political debate. This is political hate speech."

:: Jim Nichols 11/13/2003 12:32:00 PM [+] ::
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