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:: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 ::

Philosophy of the Void: Philosophy of the Void: "People sometimes compare mankind to a virus or plague. This comparison seems adequate insofar as we continue to destroy the environment and ultimately render our existence untenable. The negative connotations associated with this metaphor, however, seem unjustified. Population explosions have recurred throughout the history of life. The subsequent decimation of species including the perpetrator could even be described as the natural course of events. If this has any 'meaning,' I suppose it might be to rid the planet of incumbent species to give others a fresh start. In this sense, the natural role of mankind might be to reformat the earth, precisely through a process that strikes us as irrational, unsustainable, rampant destruction. If this is true, our petrol firms and SUV drivers are perhaps the greatest environmentalists of our time. Similarly, environmentalism in its conventional sense is highly artificial. It would be a remarkable feat, of course, if mankind were able to break out from this seemingly preordained fate. This would constitute the ultimate overcoming of nature and attainment of artificiality. From the perspective of life, I?m not sure whether this would constitute a good or bad outcome."

:: Jim Nichols 11/04/2003 06:10:00 AM [+] ::
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