:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Thursday, November 20, 2003 ::

The New Republic Online: etc.:
" for all their kvetching about George W. Bush's foreign policy, the Democratic establishment isn't proposing anything radically different. Regardless of who's sworn in as president in January of 2005, the country's basic foreign policy doctrine will be to use military force to root out terrorists and some combination of the threat of force and economic carrots and sticks to prevent WMD proliferation."

I don't understand why the hell Dem's aren't out there saying... "look Bush and Co. have screwed this one up from the start, bad intel, aggressive war mongering; but in the end we agree with a lot of what needs to be done. Fix Iraq, you bet your ass and we're the guys who can do it. We're the guys who can bring back the alienated international community, we're the guys who can bring in new blood to replace all these guys with pie on their faces from all the bumbling thats been going on for the past two years.

:: Jim Nichols 11/20/2003 05:19:00 AM [+] ::
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