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:: Thursday, November 13, 2003 ::

May 8th Rally in Sacramento - www.may8.org

Put Students First!
Not One Dollar Cut From Public Education!

Education Not Incarceration is a group of teachers, parents, students, and community members who are outraged by the current cuts in education funding. We believe that the state budget needs to prioritize education funding, as well as funding for other important social services, over increased spending on prisons.
Why Education Not Incarceration? With the state budget in crisis, legislators and Gov. Gray Davis are looking for spending cuts - the problem is they are looking toward public education and other social services to find their savings. In the meantime, they are looking to increase spending on the state prison system. Rather than looking for alternatives to incarceration for our youth, it appears that the state would be willing to make more drop outs, increase the achievement gap, and create an environment that pushes kids out of schools and onto the streets. Apparently our students are worth more to the state legislature in jails rather than in schools...

:: Jim Nichols 11/13/2003 04:48:00 PM [+] ::
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