:: Thursday, November 13, 2003 ::
Love him or hate him... should be interesting...
A new Dennis Miller show??
Newsday.com - Dennis Miller, Unbalanced: "What everyone does not know particularly well is the 'who.' As is: Who really and truly is this amusing fellow with the hydrochloric acid wit? Liberal or conservative? Democrat or Republican? Funny or serious? But as one of the great moving-target acts in American show business, Miller (who turned 50 last week) is not in an entirely obliging mood on these questions. He is not - he explained emphatically in a recent interview - a journalist, even though he studied to be one in college and his new show putatively deals with the news. He recalls talking to a prospective boss at some newspaper 'who told me he'd pay me by the column inch. He saw a Road Runner column of dust.'"
"The show, he also explains, 'will not be fair and balanced. If I disagree with someone, I can be unfair and unbalanced. ... In America, we're so interested in keeping things balanced that we've lost our minds.'" Amen brother Miller.....
:: Jim Nichols 11/13/2003 10:24:00 PM [+] ::