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:: Thursday, November 13, 2003 ::

Its funny how science can be "economically inconvenient"

Grist | Muckraker | They blinded me | 12 Nov 2003

In the final days of October, Craig Manson, assistant Interior secretary for fish and wildlife and parks, dealt a "Godfather"-style blow to a team of government biologists that was about to release a final report with flow recommendations for the Missouri River -- a blow that could have a sizable ripple effect on the river itself. The report was to have argued for the need to better mimic the natural flow of the Missouri (releasing more water from hydroelectric dams in the spring and less in the summer) to prevent extinction of the river's endangered sturgeon, tern, and plover populations, and to reduce the risk of future flooding.

:: Jim Nichols 11/13/2003 09:32:00 AM [+] ::
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