:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, November 17, 2003 ::

He's even got his right wing mad (okay at least the right wing I can at least respect--you huggable libertarians you)Joshua Claybourn's Domain: No Party: "over the past three years - essentially since George W. Bush has taken office - conservatism's role in the party has come into question. I've listened and tried to understand the logic put forth by some in the GOP that Bush's brand of politics is the best option available. After a few years contemplating this predicament I've come to the conclusion that that's just not so. Here is a condensed list of complaints.
Fiscal irresponsibility

State's rights and federalism

Racial preferences

No pro-life leadership

Civil liberties

Homeland Security

Counter-productive education bill

Compromised health care

2nd Amendment rights"

:: Jim Nichols 11/17/2003 09:52:00 PM [+] ::
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