:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Saturday, November 08, 2003 ::

CNN.com - Dems, GOP feud over Iraq memo - Nov. 5, 2003: "Angry Republicans accused the Democratic side of playing politics. "

Why do people always accuse the other side of playing politics? Isn't that what politics is about??? I may mock your politics but i'm not gonna be shocked by it and throw a fit, I'm just work my ass off at exposing you for the fraud you are and work on getting others to agree with me and hence act on that agreement--kicking someone out the political way, by voting.

"The memo suggested a strategy to challenge administration claims about its prewar intelligence. " Dear god not that? One would actually be fullfiling the dutys of an investigation. Since if one thought there was a reason to believe the current "truth" of what had occured one would find no reason to investigate....

:: Jim Nichols 11/08/2003 12:05:00 AM [+] ::
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