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:: Monday, November 03, 2003 ::

The case for war under new focus | csmonitor.com: "The case for war under new focus Congress broadens its probe beyond the CIA to the Pentagon and the White House, among others."

The administration lied and bullied its way into to getting what it wanted; it was obvious when it was happening and its becoming even clearer now. All of this of coarse at the expense of U.S. security

"Besides worrying over their loss of credibility, members of the intelligence community worry about being spread too thin. Last year, as the US stepped up pressure on Saddam Hussein, sizable intelligence resources were drawn away from the pursuit of Al Qaeda and devoted to Iraq. Now, intelligence agencies are spending a great deal of time looking back."

"Two other governments that had access to the same intelligence have thoroughly examined their processes. Australia's Parliament voted earlier this month to censure Prime Minister John Howard for misleading the public on the justification for going to war. And the popularity of British Prime Minister Tony Blair has fallen to the lowest point of his term in office, following an unprecedented public airing of its intelligence-related decisions and the tragic suicide of one of its top weapons scientists." Bush is getting off soft on this. A democrat would be gone

And shock of all shocks... "The CIA delivered much of its materials and said more would be "forthcoming" this week. As did the State Department. But the Pentagon said it was still "working" on its outstanding questions, including those about the Office of Special Plans that was set up inside the Pentagon for intelligence on Iraq. And the White House so far is refusing - as past administrations have - to turn over the presidential daily briefs the committee requested. It similarly refused to provide such documents to the commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks." the people beatin' around the bush (sorry) are the ones who were out beatin' the drum

And by the way... how many times are we gonna change our game plan? We keep doing it ever week!!

:: Jim Nichols 11/03/2003 09:44:00 AM [+] ::
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