:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Friday, November 14, 2003 ::

Bush, Iraq, and Weapons of Mass Destruction
Something just struck me. A lot of Republicans and other pro-Bush folks have been working extra hard of late trying to show that Bush and Co. didn't actually imply that Iraq and their (up to this point non-existent) WMD were an immediate threat to the security of the United States. One catch though... if they didn't lie to us--one could, though I wouldn't, make the argument--"for our own good;" then that just makes the administration seem utterly incompotent. I think its funny that the hawks wanted to be cut loose specifically to prove the superiority of U.S. hegemony; and now our humbling showing of absolute lack of omnipotence is undermining the credibility that we presumably could have claimed (and oh did they ever) that we were just holding in the wings for when it was truly necessary. Secrets out... gigs up... Empires are still Empires.... theres always a "hey we're extended too far button" flashing at some point on the game screen.

:: Jim Nichols 11/14/2003 06:05:00 AM [+] ::
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