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:: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 ::

AlterNet: The Importance of Being Joe Wilson: "Joseph Wilson is the man who ignited the scandal that envelops the Bush administration today. The former ambassador, who served under both President Bush Sr. and President Clinton, has become the White House's biggest nightmare over the course of the last four months."

"Wilson's editorial was the first piece of concrete evidence that the administration had outright lied to the American people in order to take the nation to war. It sparked a media firestorm and earned him the wrath of the White House. On July 14, two senior administration officials told conservative columnist Robert Novak that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA operative and had been responsible for sending him to Niger."

"Now I would just remind people who try and introduce partisanship into this that I went to Niger on behalf on this administration. I brought back a report which, if it had been accepted by my government, would have kept the President of the United States from actually lying to the American people.
So the question you have to ask is, who betrayed the president of the United States? Was it the person who brought back the truth that was then ignored? Or was it the person who put in the lie [into the speech] that the president then spoke to the American people? People can judge for themselves, but it is hard to reproach me for having brought back something that the White House belatedly acknowledged was true. "

:: Jim Nichols 11/04/2003 07:07:00 PM [+] ::
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