:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Saturday, October 18, 2003 ::

Azerbaijan: Police Attack Protesters on Election Day

I know it can't help but sound patronizing when someone says this but... just think. Some people here don't even vote. Then again I personally don't think most people should vote... I also think if you aren't smart enough you shouldn't odd contradiction? No. The sad fact is that those people who don't vote tend (in my experience to be smarter than the average voter--hence why they don't vote. And therefore it is not irrational to expect them to make better decisions than most current voters do--and therefore it is not hypocritical for me to both try to motivate and chastise the same people in one breath (if you need further explaination on what I just said email me--maybe by then i'll have figured it out myself).

:: Jim Nichols 10/18/2003 08:55:00 PM [+] ::
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