:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Monday, September 29, 2003 ::

"Anarchism is a definite intellecutal current of social thought, whose adherents advocate the abolition of economic monopolies and of all political and social coercive institutions within society. In place of the capitalist economic order, Anarchists would have a free association of all productive forces based upon cooperative labour, which would have for its sole purpose the satisfying of the necessary requirements of every member of society. In place of the present national states with their lifeless machinery of political and bureaucratic institutions, Anarchists desire a federation of free communities which shall be bound to one another by their common economic and social interests and arrange their affairs by mutual agreement and free contract. " --Rudolf Rocker "The Ideology of Daily Life"

One thing though; the more I look at society, the more I think maybe we need beuraucracy to passify the extremes. Make Zarathustrian individuals rise up from the ash of the sufficated system. I don't know, I could be wrong... I tend to be wrong. Chomsky would think i'm wrong and ironicly enough so would Nietzsche--see they'd agree on something!

:: Jim Nichols 9/29/2003 06:02:00 AM [+] ::
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