:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 ::

"Thinking and feeling human beings are appalled by the absurdities which now distort and destroy men's lives. Some retreat into passivity or alienation. Others slip into delinquency, illness, or other forms of deviance. All stand in jeopardy of losing meaningful connection with others and with the world of nature whose qualities support and refresh human nature. A sense of receding autonomy and a flawed identity in a mass society are sources of chronic stress to countless numbers. In the constantly changing conditions of a technological society, the arena for help may no longer be man against himself in intrapsychic terms but man against malevolent forces and irrationalities in his environment." --Carel Germain Casework and Science: A Historical Encounter

:: Jim Nichols 8/26/2003 09:14:00 PM [+] ::
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