:: blame the extended gestation.... ::

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:: Sunday, April 07, 2002 ::

Oh-oh tuesday is going to be a NEW Stars Hallow extravaganza! "There's the Rub" (I need a life) anyways here are some gems from "Lost and found":
LORELAI: Oh, I’m fine. I’m just being dramatic. It’s what I do.
LORELAI: I’ve never seen so much stuff. It looks like a white trash Hearst Castle in here.
LUKE: We can paint it.
JESS: You mean I can paint it.
LUKE: We can paint it together.
JESS: Great, then we can hold hands and skip afterwards.
JESS: So we get curtains.
LUKE: Well, you’ll have to help me put them up.
JESS: Great, then we can hold hands and skip afterwards.
LUKE: Stop saying that.
KIRK: I’ll give you fifty-five cents.
GYPSY: It’s sixty-five.
KIRK: Fifty-five cents.
GYPSY: Kirk, it’s for charity. There’s no haggling.
KIRK: Oh no, there’s always haggling. Sixty cents.
LORELAI: And to make matters worse, she spots it: the single bed.
LUKE: What's wrong with a single bed?
LORELAI: You know what they say.
LUKE: No, what do they say?
LORELAI: Never, ever date a guy who owns a single bed. It means he's not open to a commitment.
LUKE: What?
LORELAI: It says there's no room in this life for anybody but me.
LUKE: No, it says there's no room in this bed for anyone but me.
LUKE: Ten properties? What are you, buying up the town?
TAYLOR: Not yet, but someday – who knows?
LUKE: But why isn’t anyone stopping you?
TAYLOR: Because, my friend, people are lazy. They don’t wanna think about the proper fabric for an awning or the correct historical color for a building. They just slap any old thing up on a wall and sleep like babies. But soon, hopefully, the city council will put an end to that.
LUKE: Taylor, you cannot tell people what color to paint their buildings!
TAYLOR: Well, someone has to.
LUKE: No, they don’t. We don’t live in a fascist country.
TAYLOR: Oh, this isn’t about the fascists – who, by the way, had their faults but their parks were spotless.
LUKE: I have to get out of here.
[Cut to Luke's, Jess is reading and listening to music as Luke walks in and takes a sledgehammer out of the closet. He walks across the room and swings the sledgehammer through the wall, then hands it to Jess.]
LUKE: That’s your room. Finish up. We’ll hold hands and skip afterwards.

:: Jim Nichols 4/07/2002 05:16:00 AM [+] ::
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