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:: Monday, October 31, 2005 :: In the New York Times article, After a Career of Quiet Focus, Alito Is Leaving the Background, on Judge Alito this quote stands out:"Make no mistake: he will move the court to the right, and this confirmation process is really going to be a question about whether Congress and the country wants to move this court to the right."Now the question is does the Congress, does this country, want a court that moves farther to the right. I don't think it does. Can the Democrats take advantage of that fact? Deep down; I doubt it. Alito's mother"Of course, he's against abortion," Savethecourt.org has a petition up. In this article on Truman Capote's In Cold Blood. The third paragraph reads"A more outrageous and haunted writer never lived," Hicks says. "And we have rarely seen such a tragic decline."The article then goes on to talk about In Cold Blood. But what I want to know more about is the 'haunted writer' and his 'tragic decline' guess I'll have to track that down somewhere else... They are streaming the new Lagwagon album here Who is Alito? Hugo Chavez is hugely popular in his home country of Venezuela. He's hovering at 70% approval. The question is can he make it last? Todays article in the NYTimes looks at Venezuela and their version of 21st century socialism. The article goes on to noteStill, there is restlessness in the boardrooms, with executives worried about government intervention, which is sometimes seen as haphazard and improvised. Economists say the government has not made the investments needed in the oil sector. And political analysts and mainstream economists warn of recession and dourly note that foreign investment is about a third of what it was five years ago. They say that Venezuela's vast oil profits give the illusion of prosperity - the economy's growth rate is 9.3 percent - but that if prices fall, or Venezuela's growing spending catches up, the economy could founder.I guess we have to wait and see what happens. Went to see Prime with Uma Thurman in it. It wasn't great. But it fit nicely together at the end so I left the theater in a good mood.:: Sunday, October 30, 2005 :: Virginia Postrel thinks she'd rather be watched than searched. Word on the streets is that Bush will anounce his Supreme Court nominee. My hunch is he will nominate a true conservative. Now the question that remains is will Democrats give a good fight? One more article showing how religion is encroaching in on every day life. Over at TPM Cafe David Sclar is going more in-depth into the recent Wal Mart memo that I blogged about earlier this month. Sclar goes on to note that[the]Wal-Mart memo provides another example of how the employer-based health care system distorts who has access to health care coverage by incentivizing business decisions that disadvantage certain workers.Side note: Am I the only one who hates how TPM is formatted? The Boondocks to be on TVSince its national debut six years ago, the strip, about two black children living in white suburbia, has slaughtered its share of sacred cows, eviscerating everyone from Condoleezza Rice and Strom Thurmond to 50 Cent and Ralph Nader. President Bush has been a frequent target. As a result, the strip has been suspended, banished to editorial pages and dropped from some newspapers (it currently appears in more than 300).I'd have to say reading the Boondocks has been one of the salvations of living through the Bush administration. These are a bunch of sickos. Thomas Barnett on Iran:: Saturday, October 29, 2005 ::Iran is getting the bomb on this current trajectory, and we are playing into the hard-liners' hands in Iran right now. Alternate energy not in cards at ExxonMobilExxonMobil, which stunned Americans on Thursday by reporting nearly $10 billion in profit for the third quarter, says it has no plans to invest any of those earnings in developing alternative or renewable energy - something other oil companies do. Alaska High Court Backs Partner BenefitsThe Alaska Supreme Court ruled Friday it is unconstitutional to deny benefits to the same-sex partners of public employees, a victory for gay rights advocates in one of the first states to pass a constitutional ban on gay marriage. U.N.: at Least 1.7M Zambians Need Food:: Friday, October 28, 2005 :: Saddam accepted UAE exile plan to avert Iraq war-TV Anoint no economic superpower before its time Why the numbers(of college graduates) are no cause for alarm....... Mexicans head north for a better life. Way north.For a small but growing number of Mexicans the promised land of "El Norte" means life above the 49th parallel. And while the US is fortifying its borders and tightening entry requirements, Canada is putting out the welcome mat. Saudi Arabia: 14-Year-Old Boy Faces Execution Is US becoming hostile to science?A bitter debate about how to teach evolution in U.S. high schools is prompting a crisis of confidence among scientists, and some senior academics warn that science itself is under assault. The Fight's Coming. Are Democrats Ready? I don't think so... House panel votes $844 mln cut in food stampsOn a party-line vote, a Republican-run U.S. House of Representatives committee voted to cut food stamps by $844 million on Friday, just hours after a new government report showed more Americans are struggling to put food on the table. what do parents want from their childs school? Is education a positional good? None of gov's measures winning Yea!:: Thursday, October 27, 2005 :: Blogging opens new medium for academicsFaculty blogging, a trend that started gaining momentum about a year ago, has once again become a hot topic for debate. Questions arise as to whether blogs are academic or personal, and if they can play into an academic’s tenure decision. China Luring Foreign Scholars to Make Its Universities GreatChina wants to transform its top universities into the world's best within a decade, and it is spending billions of dollars to woo big-name scholars... The case for gay marriage John Irons notes new student loan cuts Anti Flag releases a new song. Must say its not their best work. Confused about the CIA leak case? Start here. Bush campaign fund-raiser indictedA prominent Republican fund-raiser for N.J. Students Ordered to Take Down Blogs Miers and African Americans Five ballot measures in danger of losingWith the Nov. 8 special election less than two weeks away, a new poll released Thursday shows all four of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's initiatives in danger of losing. Secret MoD poll: Iraqis support attacks on British troops:: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 :: Wolfowitz calls for end to farm subsidiesRich countries must abandon farm subsidies and give more market access to poor states if the Doha trade talks are to succeed, the head of the World Bank said today. Educated Workers Leaving Poor Nations, Survey FindsPoor countries across Africa, Central America and the Caribbean are losing sometimes staggering numbers of their college-educated workers to wealthy, industrialized democracies, according to a World Bank study made public today.The brain drain is probably the biggest problem that occurs in poor countries. Danforth Criticizes Christian Sway in GOPFormer Sen. John Danforth said Wednesday that the political influence of evangelical Christians is hurting the Republican Party and dividing the country. Vermont Lt. Gov. Dubie Drops Senate BidLt. Gov. Brian Dubie announced Wednesday he will seek re-election, forgoing a GOP bid for an open U.S. Senate seat that he had been considering seeking.Bernie Sanders is going to win this senate seat Can Saddam Get a Fair Trial?In the absence of a more stable Iraq, it might make more sense to try Saddam in an international court outside of Iraq Gang tattoos hinder job prospects?First lady Laura Bush said on Tuesday that young people are more likely to get jobs if they avoid tattoos, as well as drugs and alcohol. Pot not a major cancer risk: reportAlthough both marijuana and tobacco smoke are packed with cancer-causing chemicals, other qualities of marijuana seem to keep it from promoting lung cancer, according to a new report Panel Approves $10B Cut in Health CareA Republican-led effort to slow spending on health care programs for the poor, elderly and disabled survived a stern test in the Senate Tuesday. Sheehan: Oppose Clinton if She Backs WarCindy Sheehan, who became the face of anti-war sentiment after her son died in Iraq, urged foes of the war to thwart Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's political aspirations unless the New York Democrat opposes the conflict.This is only a glimmer of the problems Clinton is going to have getting the nomination. White House seeks CIA exemption on detaineesA White House bid to exempt the CIA from legislation in Congress that would formally ban degrading and inhumane treatment of detainees in U.S. custody ran into a forceful rejection on Tuesday from the bill's main sponsor, Sen. John McCain. Governor Schwarzenegger Ducks Property Tax Question,Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's refusal to directly answer a question about the tax burden of working people - to the benefit of corporations - at Monday's "performance" before a live Bay Area and television audience shows he's not a true "reformer," said the Green Party of California Tuesday. Talk Left on Bush in 1999: Lies Are Impeachable Wal-Mart memo proposes cost cuts: reportAn internal memo sent to the Wal-Mart Stores Inc. board proposes numerous ways to hold down health care and benefits costs with less harm to the retailer's reputation, including hiring more part-time workers and discouraging unhealthy people from seeking jobs, the New York Times said on Wednesday. Megaforce and Al Jourgensen launch 13th Planet; releases from Revolting Cocks, Ministry to follow Leiter on Rosa Parks and the right:: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 :: Cheney Seeks to Exempt CIA from Amendment Relating to Treatment of Detainees The secret history of the minimum wage. Was it to put women out of work? Church-state divide becomes French campaign issueThe separation of church and state is shaping up as an early hot-button issue for France's next presidential election as rival politicians begin jockeying for votes among the large Muslim minority. All Together Now on the Dems likelyhood of taking the house and/or senateThe GOP still holds a solid 29-seat majority in the House and a six-seat advantage in the Senate. But just lately -- after the Hurricane Katrina mess and Tom DeLay’s indictment -- Democrats have begun to think they have the political winds at their backs Most Americans lack confidence in leaders - pollSeventy-three percent of Americans lack confidence in their leaders and a majority believe the country would be better off with more women in power, a survey showed on Tuesday. 'Superman' Hospitalized After Leap Where were they when we went to war?Most Americans Think Iraq War Was MistakeWhy do I have no sympathy for those who have all of a sudden changed their mind about the war? Is it true? "people are turning on each other" at the White House I don't know... would there? I find it boring and trivial to get stuck talking about it but....The White House cabal Bushies feeling the boss' wrathFacing the darkest days of his presidency, President Bush is frustrated, sometimes angry and even bitter, his associates say. Rape victim: 'Morning after' pill denied ACLU Reports 21 Homicides in U.S. Custody:: Monday, October 24, 2005 ::At least 21 detainees who died while being held in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan were killed, many during or after interrogations, according to an analysis of Defense Department data by the American Civil Liberties Union WITHDRAWMIERS.ORG Machines are catching up to human intelligence Psyches of Iraq's Children Caught in the Cross-Fire"Children are not living their childhood," said Suat Mohammed, a psychology professor. Interview with Howard Zinn Are judges political? You betcha:: Sunday, October 23, 2005 :: Is globalization destroying consumer market?The United States remains the only major industrial country in the world without national health insurance, putting an unreasonable burden on firms and workers. Chomsky on adherence to market principles Black Prof with What's in a Mugshot Must say I agree with Matthew Yglesias on this one:I'll certainly read the article on Brent Scowcroft when it comes out, but I feel compelled to at least semi-dissent from the heaping of praise upon the likes of Scowcroft, Larry Wilkerson, Richard Haas, and other Republicans who've started speaking out against the Bush administration lately. Everything they say could have been said 12-18 months ago when it would have made a difference for the future of the country. But that would have meant taking fire from the then-intact conservative attack machine, and gotten them labeled as bad party men. Instead of speaking out when Bush was strong and trying to weaken him, they've waited until Bush is weak and decided to pile-on in an effort to save their own reputations. Frist: Stock Probe Will Affect 2008 PlansSenate Majority Leader Bill Frist says a federal investigation into his sale of stock in a family-owned hospital chain will affect his decision on whether he will seek the presidency in 2008. Republicans Test Strategy to Blunt Indictments U.S. prison population continued to grow in 2004The U.S. prison population, already the largest in the world, grew by 1.9 percent in 2004, leaving federal jails at 40 percent over capacity, according to Justice Department figures released on Sunday. Poll: Americans more acceptingAmericans are overwhelmingly people of faith, and a new survey shows they are holding onto a traditional ideal of marriage and family. Yet as fewer families meet that ideal, they are becoming more accepting of divorce, cohabitation, and nontraditional family situations - across religious groupings. 37 million live below the poverty line Few CIA charges expected in prisoner deathsCIA employees or its contract workers appear likely to escape criminal charges in all but one of the deaths of four prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, The New York Times reported on Sunday. Interview with Glen of Propagandhi. I have to say I love the new album So much for being a Liberal newspaper!:: Saturday, October 22, 2005 :: New Harris Poll Finds Different Religious Groups Have Very Different Attitudes To Some Health Policies and Programs WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price from the guy who did Outfoxxed Can the reporter--or the New York Times--be trusted?The New York Times editorial page told readers over and over again that Times reporter Judith Miller went to jail for 85 days for a noble cause--the protection of confidential sources. But to many outside observers, the principles that Miller went to jail for were far from clear, with many fundamental questions left unanswered. Sacramento's daytime population swells by 100,000 Miers' Answer Raises QuestionsAsked to describe the constitutional issues she had worked on during her legal career, Supreme Court nominee Harriet E. Miers had relatively little to say on the questionnaire she sent to the Senate this week. Run on Drug for Avian Flu Has Physicians Worried"If there is an outbreak, we're going to have to rely on the CDC and state governments to put those drugs where we need them. And I don't want them in people's bathrooms,"Me either. I have a real problem with the stockpile mentality. Let the public health officials do their job. China to adopt new jobless methodChina will release an unemployment rate next year calculated under a method that could double the figure from levels now reported, according to a report in the official China Daily on Saturday. Poll shows Iraqis back attacks on UK, US forcesForty-five percent of Iraqis believe attacks on U.S. and British troops are justified, according to a secret poll said to have been commissioned by British defense leaders and cited by The Sunday Telegraph. Poll: Clinton Would Lead Rice in '08 RaceSen. Hillary Rodham Clinton leads Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in a hypothetical presidential matchup, according to an independent poll released Friday. Tropical Storm Alpha Forms in CaribbeanTropical Storm Alpha formed Saturday in the Caribbean, setting the record for the most named storms in an Atlantic hurricane season and marking the first time forecasters had to turn to the Greek alphabet for names. Schwarzenegger asks TV stations to pull his special election adsGov. Arnold Schwarzenegger asked television stations to stop airing commercials featuring him personally backing initiatives in the Nov. 8 special election. Out-of-this-world sex could jeopardise missions DeLay Flies Corporate Jet to ArraignmentWhen he landed, DeLay held a press conference and called allegations that he allowed corporate dollars to improperly influence the political process “contrived and baseless.” Insiders see hint of Miers pulloutThe White House has begun making contingency plans for the withdrawal of Harriet Miers as President Bush's choice to fill a seat on the Supreme Court, conservative sources said yesterday. Went to see North Country tonight. It wasn't that great. I couldn't get into it at all. Only something to confuse the fight even more than it is already. "I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane." --Ray Bradbury Study: George Orwell's Illnesses Influenced '1984'The gloomy stories of George Orwell were likely influenced by the writer's own ailments, including tuberculosis and infertility, according to a new study. Interview with Tom Gabel from Against Me:: Friday, October 21, 2005 :: Conservative Group to Release Film Criticizing Ann CoulterA conservative organization is doing a documentary critical of conservative columnist Ann Coulter, according to a report on BradBlog.com. France Orders Positive Spin on ColonialismFrance, grappling for decades with its colonial past, has passed a law to put an upbeat spin on a painful era, making it mandatory to enshrine in textbooks the country's "positive role" in its far-flung colonies. Editor Says He Missed Miller 'Alarm Bells'In a dramatic e-mail, Executive Editor Bill Keller wrote Times' employees he wished he'd more carefully interviewed Miller and had "missed what should have been significant alarm bells" that she had been the recipient of leaked information about the CIA officer at the heart of the case. Young Singers Spread Racist HateDuo Considered the Olsen Twins of the White Nationalist Movement Wait a minute Warning from the National ReviewConservatives will have long memories about how senators act in this crucial period. Any Senate Republicans who want people to listen when they run for president in 2008 and tell GOP primary voters how seriously they take the task of transforming the Supreme Court — by placing top-notch conservative jurists on it — had better be heard from now. The Washington Note says there will be an article in the new New Yorker coming out on Monday where former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft comes out against the Bush Administration. Flip flopper Is America Ready for a Woman President? Dead man gets parking ticket from Australian copsAustralian authorities have apologised to the family of an elderly man who was given a parking ticket while he lay dead in his car in a suburban shopping centre. Fox News Pushing “Criminalization of Politics” Talking Point Banner week for the Republicans... I went to see Elizabethtown tonight. It was okay. I'm a big Kirsten Dunst fan so that helped. I wouldn't recommend it to somebody but it did kill two hours which is always a plus.:: Thursday, October 20, 2005 :: I don't see it happening but Democrats hope angry voters mean '06 comeback Propositions 78 and 79: Rival plans target pain of uninsured Firefox Hits 100 Million MarkThe Mozilla Foundation's Firefox browser has reached 100 million downloads only five months after hitting the 50 million mark and just a few weeks prior to the one-year anniversary of its formal release. being paid by American Express to blog? Global Warming a Major Threat to AfricaDeadly epidemics. Ruined crops. The extinction of some of Africa's legendary wildlife. The potential consequences of global warming could be devastating for the world's poorest continent, yet its nations are among the least equipped to cope. This post Bush's Ace in the Hole-- The Pardon Power got me to thinking. Why was the President given the power to pardon? Is it a check on the Judiciary? Is it that the framers thought that some laws will be broken for the good of the country? Hunt for Tax Cheats Is Curbed by GovernorGov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is putting the brakes on efforts to give state investigators more tools to hunt tax evaders, following a period of aggressive enforcement that has generated billions of dollars for California coffers. Early retirers don't live longerResearchers have disproved the theory that people who take early retirement enjoy longer lives as a result. Thomas P.M. Barnett on CSPAN Gov. Spurns Bush in Spat Over Money 51 senators in favor of Roe v. Wade Chavez Warns if U.S. Invades, Oil Goes UpVenezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Thursday that his government is preparing for a possible U.S. invasion and he warned that such "aggression" would send gasoline in the United States prices soaring higher. The U.S. government repeated that it is not planning any such thing. Pirro: Unlike Dems, GOP doesn't want child molesters next door:: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 ::"That's a difference between Democrats and Republicans _ we don't want them next door molesting children and murdering women," "inadequate," "insufficient" and "insulting." Newsview: Strategy on Miers Backfiring No kidding Cheney 'cabal' hijacked foreign policyVice-President Dick Cheney and a handful of others had hijacked the government's foreign policy apparatus, deciding in secret to carry out policies that had left the US weaker and more isolated in the world, the top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell claimed on Wednesday. In Katrina's wake, a tattoo boom in New Orleans Tonight at dinner the conversation turned to the question of voting and when is it appropriate to abstain as a form of political protest. The idea of abstaining during this special election seemed wrong to me. My Dad brought up my recent presidential votes as an example of abstaining. Weren't my votes for David Cobb in 2004 and Ralph Nader in 2000 examples of abstaining from the political process? To which my dad responded: Who is David Cobb? Maybe the reason I am against abstaining in this election is the fact that I feel so strongly against Proposition 73 which forces parental notification for minors having abortions. But the question remains, does low votor turnout make a political statement or does it simply make politics an easier game for the politically strong to play? Israel considers separate roads in West BankIsrael is considering a permanent ban on Palestinians using major roads in the occupied West Bank, security sources said on Wednesday, drawing Palestinian condemnation of the idea as a form of apartheid. Senators Say Miers' Answers InadequateThe senators in charge of Harriet Miers' confirmation are demanding more information from her before hearings begin, with one lawmaker describing the Supreme Court nominee's answers so far as "incomplete to insulting." Make Miers pass a 'litmus test' Bill McInturff Senate Again Fails to Raise Minimum Wage Crisis AvertedRemember the Social Security crisis? Isn't it a bit, um, interesting that the president suddeny stopped thinking it was critical to do something about the program once it became clear that his preferred changes weren't going to be adopted? Starbucks stirs things up with a God quote on cupsCoffee drinkers could get a spiritual jolt with their java in the spring when Starbucks begins putting a God-filled quote from the Rev. Rick Warren, author of the mega-selling The Purpose-Driven Life, on its cups. Rice: U.S. May Still Be in Iraq in 10 YearsSecretary of State Parents' Group Warns Against 4 Fox ShowsFour Fox network programs, led by the comedies "The War at Home," "The Family Guy" and "American Dad," topped a parents group's annual listing of the worst prime-time shows for family viewing. Chris left the band. Chris didn't leave the band. Chris left the band. Chris didn't leave the band.from WikipediaIn September 2005, G7 Welcoming Committee announced that Chris Hannah had left the band, and the remaining members found a replacement in one Glen Lambert, formerly of the Portage Terriers. This would appear to be a joke however, for a number of reasons. Firstly, many fans say that the singer's voice is clearly Hannah's voice. Secondly Glen Lambert and the Portage Terriers (http://www.portageterriers.com/) seem to be unfindable on the net. Finally the article mentions Hannah leaving in 2003, but he has been seen performing with the band on numerous occasions in 2004. Despite this, the album booklet for Potemkin City Limits credits Glen Lambert as "Guitar, vocals on tracks 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 12." A later page in the booklet, titled "A Message from Glen" includes a picture depicting Hannah. His fellow bandmembers, however, are referred to as The Rod and Jordy-boy, and on albums past Propagandhi have used humourous pseudonyms in the album booklet credits. Spanish Judge Issues Arrest Order for US Troops Bush whacked Rove on CIA leakAn angry President Bush rebuked chief political guru Karl Rove two years ago for his role in the Valerie Plame affair, sources told the Daily News. Blogging 101--Web logs go to school:: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 :: Fuck yeah Whats the deal with the gilmore girls tonight. They give away the last scene as if it were going to be resolved tonight instead of what it really was: a tease/spoiler for next week. What the fuck Albright to Guest Star on 'Gilmore Girls'Former Secretary of State PROPAGANDHI released a new album today. And fitting enough, their website has gone down. After only two listens i'm not too impressed. Its much more complex of an album than the light pop enfused punk they used to write. I've argued before and i'm sure i'll argue again that due to the fact that only the drummer remains of the original band this band labeled Propagandhi should rename themselves something else. Prop 78 vs. prop 79 Miers supported constitutional amendment to ban abortionIn 1989, Harriet Miers endorsed amending the U.S. Constitution to ban abortion except when necessary to save the life of the woman. Brian Leiter is over in London and he has a few observations to share Anti Flag has moved over to RCA records for their new album.:: Monday, October 17, 2005 :: Aid 'too little too late'Thousands are being sentenced to death because help given by world leaders to deal with natural disasters is "too little, too late", charity Oxfam says. Now we are talking about REAL Democracy. Concerns over voter fraud in IraqIn a statement on Monday evening, the Independent Election Commission of Iraq said the results of the referendum on Saturday would have to be delayed "a few days" because the apparently high number of "yes" votes required election workers to "recheck, compare and audit" the results. I just recently got The Evens album. The Evens are comprised of Ian MacKaye--of Fugazi/Minor Threat fame--on guitar and Amy Farina on drums. I've only had one or two listens but I like it so far. But I must say the best piece of music on rotation at my house is the cd-ep by Against Me "Crime as forgiven by" released by plan-it-x records Rich, Poor See Poverty Very DifferentlyThe dramatic differences between rich and poor that were on view during Hurricane Katrina also can be seen by how those two groups view the causes of poverty. The poor largely believe they were dealt a bad hand while the rich are more apt to say poverty is from lack of effort. Foreign Policy Top 100 Public Intellectuals Results Murder Rate Hits 40-Year LowThe nation's murder rate declined last year for the first time in four years, dropping to the lowest level in 40 years. Experts said local rather than national trends were mostly responsible. A welcome surprise: war waning globallyA new report suggests that the number of violent global conflicts is decreasing. Half-century in mental asylum a mistake..More than half-a-century ago, Machal Lalung was thought to be insane and sent to a mental asylum in India's remote northeast. Jobs abound in New Orleans, housing is obstacleIf you were seeking work in New Orleans in the months before Hurricane Katrina hit, chances are you had to fight to get an employer's attention. Now all you need to do is show up and perhaps pass a drug test Sex workers want rights, end to discriminationEuropean sex workers called for their profession to be recognized as work Monday, saying they deserved the same social rights as other employees. Did Christian conservatives receive assurances that Miers would oppose Roe v. Wade?:: Sunday, October 16, 2005 ::On Oct. 3, the day the Miers nomination was announced, Mr. Dobson and other religious conservatives held a conference call to discuss the nomination. One of the people on the call took extensive notes, which I have obtained. According to the notes, two of Ms. Miers's close friends--both sitting judges--said during the call that she would vote to overturn Roe. The Right and Miers: Sound, Fury, YawnsBig-name Right-wing bloggers and pundits are livid about Bush's latest Supreme Court pick. So why do polls find only 9% of the GOP faithful oppose her?.... History teacher resigns because of alleged discriminationAmbrosia, who has taught at Rocklin High School for 11 years, attributed her resignation to the discrimination she alleges she has received as a result of being club adviser to the Gay-Straight Alliance Topic of the day Administration's Tone Signals a Longer, Broader Iraq ConflictIn the prelude to the war and in the early days of the occupation, Mr. Bush and top members of his national security team compared the effort to remake Iraq to the American occupations of Japan and Germany. As the insurgency grew - a feature missing from those two successful occupations - they dropped that comparison. Richard Armitage, the deputy secretary of state under Colin L. Powell, argued in an interview recently published by an Australian magazine, The Diplomat, that it was a flawed way of thinking from the start. Condoleezza Rice on Meet the Press:But the fact of the matter is that when we were attacked on September 11, we had a choice to make. We could decide that the proximate cause was al-Qaeda and the people who flew those planes into buildings and, therefore, we would go after al-Qaeda and perhaps after the Taliban and then our work would be done and we would try to defend ourselves.I thought we attacked Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction? Fatboy Slim makes Marcos musicalDJ Fatboy Slim and Talking Heads singer David Byrne are writing a musical about former Philippine first lady Imelda Marcos, to be shown next March. Leaders Ask U.S. to End 'Blockade' of Cuba:: Saturday, October 15, 2005 ::Leaders of the world's Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries demanded on Saturday that the United States abide by U.N. resolutions to end its "blockade" against Cuba, in a resolution that earlier drew criticism from the U.S. government. Give me your number, in case I die. We know what they want, but do we know how they got it? on Punk rock and Anarchy. With a good excerpt on CrassCrass was loudly anti-violence, anti-police state, adopting the slogan “Anarchy & Peace” with an image of a tommy gun being shattered by the circle-A. The band also pointedly distanced itself from the first punk acts. To Rimbaud and the others, the Pistols and the Clash were merely comfortably left of center, barking of socialism and human rights, while working for the corporate interests of Columbia and Warner Bros. It says alot that nazis can cause a riot. I don't like Nazi's but they are more of a joke than a real threat. Rove Cancels Appearance at Fundraiser for Kilgore Syria... the next scapegoat in the War on Terror Ads in Va. Governor Race Mention HitlerThe Republican candidate for governor is drawing fire for campaign ads that suggest his Democratic opponent is so averse to the death penalty he would have spared Adolph Hitler from execution. Special Election 'God Bloggers' Head to National ConferenceWhat would Jesus blog? That and other pressing questions drew 135 Christians to Southern California this weekend for a national conference billed as the first-ever for "God bloggers," a growing community of online writers who exchange information and analyze current events from a Christian perspective. Miers and Presidential PowerWhen the Senate Judiciary Committee begins its hearings on the Miers nomination, Senators should carefully probe her views on presidential power. And, as noted in an earlier posting, they should also ask about her views on the relevance of international legal rules to the exercise of this presidential power during time of war-- in particular, the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War and the Torture Convention. Pentagon wants new spying powers in USClaiming it needs greater latitude for the war on terror, the US Senate Intelligence Committee has approved a request from the Pentagon for the right to "covertly" gather intelligence on US citizens in order to determine whether they can recruit them as informants, without telling them that they are doing so on behalf of the US government. Democrats' hopes rise for 2006 electionDemocrats on Capitol Hill see their best hope in a decade to sweep back into power in midterm elections on the coattails of Republican ethical woes.I don't see it happening... You can now order the new propagandhi album Potemkin City Limits here Marijuana could improve memory, reduce anxiety and depressionCanadian researchers have discovered that smoking marijuana could improve a person's memory and mood. Daniel Weintraub has some ideas on how to get Iraqis out of the group think and into a more individualist perspective.
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